Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's Tuesday!!!

Since I started my website and blog for everyone who so chooses to follow my journey, failure or success, I feel the need to be honest!! Lol! Actually I am always honest! I had a shitty weekend. Drank a lot of beer, alot :-( but I did stick to my food calorie consumption lol! Hey I'm just starting I can't go from eating / drinking horribly to complete healthiness!!!

I made this power food black bean and corn salad. Black beans, corn, balsamic vinegar, minced garlic, honey, red onions, pepper, salt... So good. I add a half of cup on top of 2 cups spinach with grilled chicken (4oz) some fat free cheese and fat free balsamic vinagarette ( like a tablespoon cause the corn /black bean salad is kind of like a dressing) a very filling lunch!!! With a side of cottage cheese!!!

Dinner was awesome I threw together a sante fe chicken crockpot this morning, it cooked all day and was ready when it got home at 6!

I did not get to work out much because I  am still trying to find energy and get a routine schedule going on, until then instead of losing at a steady pace I will continue to feel and look fat. :-)

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