Friday, May 17, 2013


Happy Friday!!!

Alot of people make the mistake of only counting calories, I did this everytime in the past when I tried to diet.

It is equally important to make sure you are getting the right amount of macronutrients. Your macronutrients are carbs, protein, and fat...

Step one: Figure out your caloric needs - How many calories should you be consuming every day, how many do you HAVE to take in everyday?

Then determine what those calories need to many grams of carbs? how many grams of protein? and how many grams of fat???

Here is the formula I am using:

Current Weight  * 11

For shits and giggles lets say I weigh 140, I would start by taking 140 * 11 = 1,540 

If I did nothing all day I would need to take in 1,540 calories to maintain this is called your resting caloric intake

Since it is super duper important to stay somewhat active during your day, you must account for that! An average metabolic rate is 30% (Ive read its 20% multiple times and Ive read its 40% multiple times)

Using 30% multiply your resting caloric intake by 30%
1,540 * 30% = 462
1,540 + 462 = 2,002

If I wanted to maintain this fat ass I've worked so hard to get I would (if I weighed 140 hahaha) need to consume 2,002 calories a day...

If you want to lose 1 pound per week you need to in a 3,500 calorie deficit  (500 x 7days)
2,002 * 7 = 14,014 - 3,500 = 10,514
10,514 / 7 = 1,502

I'd consume 1,502 calories per day to lose one pound per week....

Now, how many of each macronutrient should you consume????

Protein: Make sure you eat at least 1 g of protein per pound - so if I weighed 140 pounds (LOL) I'd eat 140 g of protein a day! Thank goodness for protein shakes! (We buy the 5 lb tubs from Pro Source - The optimum nutrition whey )

I do not remember fat or carbs off hand I only remembered protein I need to look through my notes and finish later...

The amount of macronutrients one should consume is so variable but note that the following is not variable - it is fact

Protein 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram
Fat 9 calories per gram

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