Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Haven't watched one ounce of tv today, but definatey no time for the gym... Ugh . Aside from what my fat ass did this morning and that was only 1.5 workouts of ten minute trainer, totaling 15 minutes and part of the one I couldn't finish so I just did the elliptical. Oh we'll, at least I stuck to my calories today which is 1300 by the way. And surprisingly I'm not hungry right now but I had a lot of protein today... I know come morning I will be starving...

One thing I never did while doing all my diets (epic failures) was count every single thing like milk in my coffee or itty bitty creamer never thought those add up well they do!!!!! I used 100 calories in creamers today. :-/ I must quit drinking so much coffee and switch to green tea (fresh brewed) it is such a metabolism booster!!!! Not the green tea you buy as gas station, those are junk loaded with sugar...

I have to be honest I'm laying in bed right now typing this and I feel myself getting fatter why can't I stomach the energy to go downstairs and work out??!?! I know I'd feel better after , ugh!!! I need to hang a poster of myself on my wall, that sight would get me going reaaaaal quick.

Buffalo chicken bites - makes 30ish (10 servings - 3 balls per serving)

Shredded chicken (about three cups)
1/3c hot sauce
1/4 c green onions
4oz fat free creme cheese
1 c shredded cheddar

Mix all above together form into 1 inch (little bigger) balls

Roll balls in flour (whole wheat  healthier but I used white)
Dip into eggs
Roll into crushed cereal I used corn flakes but some all bran would be even healthier

Mmmmmm, mmmmmmm, scrumptious !!!

Night night


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