Friday, May 17, 2013


I know I just blogged about caloric intake and macronutrients however I need to vent. I totally want this project of mine to be a success instead of a failure like the many times before. But dammit I am so freaking tired! Neil gets home from work at 4:45ish and gets to go in the basement for an hour to an hour and a half to work out then he gets to take a shower and do his thing... by no means am I about to complain about having to take care of our daughter as she is my world and I love every second of it! I just wish the day had 27 hours for  me so I could sleep a solid 7-8 hours a night and still have time to work, cook, clean, laundry, work some more, baths, prep, etc... AND to work out! Another day has passed where I do not have the energy to work out. This week was more stressful than most had a lot going on and fell behind at work, but I am getting caught up so I have a premonition that next week will be better. And Neil has to change his work schedule starting June 10th so I will have to drop Addisyn off (can not drop off before 7:15) I am used to getting into work by 6:15 well now I wont be able to do that so I am thinking I can work out in the mornings! That may work... it has to work! I have $500 waiting for me to go on a shopping spree when I hit my goal in 4-6 months! Despite all obstacles you have to make time for yourself to be healthy! Your body deserves it, you deserve it, and your loved ones deserve it!

Tomorrow off to spend some time with Addisyn OUTSIDE!


Safe and Happy Friday night!

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