Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Since I do not really get to go out of the office at work except maybe to the bank, I have decided I need to step away from work for atleast a little bit during the day to regain my sanity, what a perfect time to type a blog! As long as I can simmer down I plan to use my "lunch" time as part of my blog time.

So it is Wednesday, the part of the week that I struggle most with. Work gets even busier, while I love how fast my days go and love challenging myself how much I can handle by Wednesday I am looking forward to Thursdays, why? Well, because starting on Thursdays I normally self-justify that it is OK to have a few beers, normally a six pack + :-)... well if I am serious at all about losing some unwanted poundage I can NOT have beer Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! I just can't...

How will I chillax (chill out and relax) ??? may hold the answer to this question! I think I have tried it before and it wasn't bad considering I am not a wine drinker --- as I've mentioned before --- I LOVE BEER! lol

In MODERATION - I think I will try the Moscato! But, I must and I will remeber to track it on my calorie count! Allthough, I am really going to try to hold off til Friday! Perhaps instead of winding down with a glass or two of moscato, how about some yoga? Or find a hot tub in the neighborhood and sneak in? hehehe

Speaking of calorie counting and tracking..... has anyone heard of Neil told me about it this morning. I am a My Fitness Pal user , I love their app but the Lose it app blows it away! I just got the app this morning and already fixed it up. Lovin' it! Check it out...

After work, I plan on picking up Addisyn, playing at the park with her (laundry, floors, kitchen, everything I clean regulary can wait) MAKE TIME FOR YOUR LITTLE ONES! One hour at the park for her can make her whole week! Then dinner, her bath, and getting ready for tomorrow. Hopefully another 10 minute trainer or 2 (already did 1.5 (15 min) this morning - woke up at 4:30)

If I am not too tired I am going to post a recipie I made for a snack - Buffalo Chicken Balls (chicken, hotsuace, green onions, creme cheese (low fat), flour,egg,crushed corn flakes for "breading"... OMGosh these are soooo good - only 126 cal per serving 9 g carb and 12 g protein! I just had some for lunch :-)

As soon as I can, next day or two I am typing up the correct calorie intake you should follow to get started! Its quite a simple formula I have read so many different variations its crazy so I will give you the one that worked for me back when I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks before I gave back into this shitty lifestyle I live and the one that I used to jump back on the band wagon of healthy :-)


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