Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The 3 P's

Plan, Prep, and Proportion!!!

It's 8:30 pm, and I am just now sitting down. I was on the computer earlier while I was standing cooking in the kitchen. One thing I have learned is that there is no diet without a plan, prepping it, and proportioning it!!! Plan your meal, prep your meal, and proportion your meal!!! Trust me, it is worth hours in the kitchen on Sunday, and I mean hours. I try to and from here on out WILL sit down on Saturday afternoon/evening and pick out my meals including family dinner meals for the week, I'll do the shopping then the prep!

If nothing is planned, what is easier; grabbing a box of pasta and jar of sauce perhaps browning up some meat or thawing chicken slicing fresh veggies sautéing them and baking the dish?? Of course the pasta and sauce but had you had your chicken sliced your veggies slices etc in a container / bag you could make a super duper healthy meal just as fast!!!

Lunches for work? Prep and pack!!! If you don't take garbage food to work guess what our not eating?? Prep your lunches for the entire week and take them with you on Monday!! You'll have no excuse to eat out or order in, none!!!


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