Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello!!! Blog Followers??

I am new to blogging. I am so excited though to give this a shot! Chances are if you are here, you have been on my new website that is also in the works.

Mother's Day was this past Sunday, May 12th 2013 and on that day something came over me... For years, literally years, I have said I need to change... I kept 90% of my thoughts and ideas private because TALK IS CHEAP. I would tell Neil all the time I am going to get a rec pass, I am going to do this and that, well it never happened. The pounds slowly started to pack on and continued.

If you saw my website you have been warned I am pretty blunt and I am not going to sugar coat anything. While I do not mean to be offensive at all, I find that "tough self-love" (is that even a term??) works for me. While its not ok for others to talk down to you and call you names (without your permission, lol) I do talk down to myself because that is what works for me.

On Mother's Day we played a game of wiffle(spelling?) ball with the family. I couldn't even run the bases?!?!?!? How could I have let myself go like this! Ugh, I am completly disgusted. I am not chubby, a bit overweight, classified as "could lose a few pounds" I AM FAT!

I have spent months and months reading all kind of diets and excercise plans just to end up being too lazy to make them work or put them into effect. Until now.

I love PASTA and I love to drink BEER! How the hell is any diet going to work for ME???

Stay Tuned!

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