Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Power Foods!!

Hi Everyone!!

SORRY it has been a few weeks. I have been insanely busy and like I had originally planned (blogging on my lunch break) is not working because work too, has been too busy and I don't have time :-( But I am taking a small break now, been staring at numbers far too long today.

Sadly, I haven't lost any weight but I haven't gained either! I drank a little too much last week and the week before which is a KILLER. My diet is still decent (still trying to stick to my daily calories) I am not bad at sticking to a diet its all the other shit that screws me up, lack of energy to exercise and beer!

My Fitness Pal App is a must to track your daily caloric intake. If you are not already using it or something similar, start now! They have just about any food and if they don't you can scan the bar code and it populates the corresponding nutritional information.

My alarm continues to go off in the 4 o'clock hour and I continue to lay in bed and sleep as I feel myself get fatter, I swear the only thing that may work is placing a pic of my self in minimal clothing next to the alarm clock, I may just do that. I really need an energy boost though its no so much lack of motivation as it is lack of energy. So I am hoping some of these power foods will get me started.

I was perusing the internet last night as I lay in bed and came across Dr. Oz's website with power foods. Some of these are really tasty and not expensive to buy.

--- Watermelon! - I of course knew that fruits and veggies are good for you but Watermelon is excellent and here is why...   "A recent study showed that women who ate water-rich foods lost 33% more weight in the first 6 months than women on a low-fat diet. Watermelon also contains vitamins A and C, as well as the “mother of all antioxidants,” glutathione, which is known to help strengthen the immune system" (

--- Green Tea! - I knew Green Tea is super good for you but I really did not know why. "Guzzle green tea to feel full between meals. Chockfull of a phytonutrient called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), green tea increases the hormone responsible for making you feel satiated. Drinking green tea daily has long-term benefits as well. It can help prevent storage of excess fat, improve your appetite-regulating hormones and change how your body handles cravings and metabolizes food" (

If you check out the whole site you'll see all the others!

To check out the whole slide show follow this link - its pretty awesome :-)

I am going to make some recipes this weekend with these fat fighting foods and also energy foods and I will post those as well!

I am going to start slow again - and build myself up! No sense starting a killer workout routine the first day cause you will (if your anything like me) feel defeated right away. A little bit at a time is sure to pay off.

Until next time (super soon - maybe even tonight when I get home where my recipes are) don't be lazy and don't make excuses!


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