Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Take Diet Pills or to Not????

I think I tried Diet pills once many years ago but I didn't stick with them, go figure. But I am overweight and over it!!! I can't stand it anymore and since I have a decent diet and I have been following it for several weeks now, I am thinking I need to take one month's supply of diet pills to help give me the boost I need! I think my biggest frustration is not seeing results quick enough. Like I mentioned before I have zero energy to work out and from every single review I've read about SlimVox, I am confident I will have the energy. I read the ingredients and they are all natural just high potency so that's ok! And if you go on diet pill review sites the majority of SlimVox's reviews are good. I think I'm going for it if I could get the energy to work out and stick to my diet and actually see results I know I will stick with this!!! 

Well it's Thirst Thursday but I'm sipping on water. If I stray from my "no drinks during week" new rule I won't be able to have a few drinks over the weekend! I can't wait to weigh myself Sunday, I really feel like I've done good this week! 

Most say baby steps, but for me it's turtle steps, even smaller and slower! 

I'm also printing out a picture of myself in minimal clothes and hanging it up like I said I should do so come Monday morning and the sight of that pic, I'll be sure to get up and hit the basement! 

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