Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's Tuesday!!!

Since I started my website and blog for everyone who so chooses to follow my journey, failure or success, I feel the need to be honest!! Lol! Actually I am always honest! I had a shitty weekend. Drank a lot of beer, alot :-( but I did stick to my food calorie consumption lol! Hey I'm just starting I can't go from eating / drinking horribly to complete healthiness!!!

I made this power food black bean and corn salad. Black beans, corn, balsamic vinegar, minced garlic, honey, red onions, pepper, salt... So good. I add a half of cup on top of 2 cups spinach with grilled chicken (4oz) some fat free cheese and fat free balsamic vinagarette ( like a tablespoon cause the corn /black bean salad is kind of like a dressing) a very filling lunch!!! With a side of cottage cheese!!!

Dinner was awesome I threw together a sante fe chicken crockpot this morning, it cooked all day and was ready when it got home at 6!

I did not get to work out much because I  am still trying to find energy and get a routine schedule going on, until then instead of losing at a steady pace I will continue to feel and look fat. :-)

Friday, May 17, 2013


I know I just blogged about caloric intake and macronutrients however I need to vent. I totally want this project of mine to be a success instead of a failure like the many times before. But dammit I am so freaking tired! Neil gets home from work at 4:45ish and gets to go in the basement for an hour to an hour and a half to work out then he gets to take a shower and do his thing... by no means am I about to complain about having to take care of our daughter as she is my world and I love every second of it! I just wish the day had 27 hours for  me so I could sleep a solid 7-8 hours a night and still have time to work, cook, clean, laundry, work some more, baths, prep, etc... AND to work out! Another day has passed where I do not have the energy to work out. This week was more stressful than most had a lot going on and fell behind at work, but I am getting caught up so I have a premonition that next week will be better. And Neil has to change his work schedule starting June 10th so I will have to drop Addisyn off (can not drop off before 7:15) I am used to getting into work by 6:15 well now I wont be able to do that so I am thinking I can work out in the mornings! That may work... it has to work! I have $500 waiting for me to go on a shopping spree when I hit my goal in 4-6 months! Despite all obstacles you have to make time for yourself to be healthy! Your body deserves it, you deserve it, and your loved ones deserve it!

Tomorrow off to spend some time with Addisyn OUTSIDE!


Safe and Happy Friday night!


Happy Friday!!!

Alot of people make the mistake of only counting calories, I did this everytime in the past when I tried to diet.

It is equally important to make sure you are getting the right amount of macronutrients. Your macronutrients are carbs, protein, and fat...

Step one: Figure out your caloric needs - How many calories should you be consuming every day, how many do you HAVE to take in everyday?

Then determine what those calories need to be..how many grams of carbs? how many grams of protein? and how many grams of fat???

Here is the formula I am using:

Current Weight  * 11

For shits and giggles lets say I weigh 140, I would start by taking 140 * 11 = 1,540 

If I did nothing all day I would need to take in 1,540 calories to maintain this is called your resting caloric intake

Since it is super duper important to stay somewhat active during your day, you must account for that! An average metabolic rate is 30% (Ive read its 20% multiple times and Ive read its 40% multiple times)

Using 30% multiply your resting caloric intake by 30%
1,540 * 30% = 462
1,540 + 462 = 2,002

If I wanted to maintain this fat ass I've worked so hard to get I would (if I weighed 140 hahaha) need to consume 2,002 calories a day...

If you want to lose 1 pound per week you need to in a 3,500 calorie deficit  (500 x 7days)
2,002 * 7 = 14,014 - 3,500 = 10,514
10,514 / 7 = 1,502

I'd consume 1,502 calories per day to lose one pound per week....

Now, how many of each macronutrient should you consume????

Protein: Make sure you eat at least 1 g of protein per pound - so if I weighed 140 pounds (LOL) I'd eat 140 g of protein a day! Thank goodness for protein shakes! (We buy the 5 lb tubs from Pro Source - The optimum nutrition whey )

I do not remember fat or carbs off hand I only remembered protein I need to look through my notes and finish later...

The amount of macronutrients one should consume is so variable but note that the following is not variable - it is fact

Protein 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram
Fat 9 calories per gram

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Haven't watched one ounce of tv today, but definatey no time for the gym... Ugh . Aside from what my fat ass did this morning and that was only 1.5 workouts of ten minute trainer, totaling 15 minutes and part of the one I couldn't finish so I just did the elliptical. Oh we'll, at least I stuck to my calories today which is 1300 by the way. And surprisingly I'm not hungry right now but I had a lot of protein today... I know come morning I will be starving...

One thing I never did while doing all my diets (epic failures) was count every single thing like milk in my coffee or itty bitty creamer never thought those add up well they do!!!!! I used 100 calories in creamers today. :-/ I must quit drinking so much coffee and switch to green tea (fresh brewed) it is such a metabolism booster!!!! Not the green tea you buy as gas station, those are junk loaded with sugar...

I have to be honest I'm laying in bed right now typing this and I feel myself getting fatter why can't I stomach the energy to go downstairs and work out??!?! I know I'd feel better after , ugh!!! I need to hang a poster of myself on my wall, that sight would get me going reaaaaal quick.

Buffalo chicken bites - makes 30ish (10 servings - 3 balls per serving)

Shredded chicken (about three cups)
1/3c hot sauce
1/4 c green onions
4oz fat free creme cheese
1 c shredded cheddar

Mix all above together form into 1 inch (little bigger) balls

Roll balls in flour (whole wheat  healthier but I used white)
Dip into eggs
Roll into crushed cereal I used corn flakes but some all bran would be even healthier

Mmmmmm, mmmmmmm, scrumptious !!!

Night night


Happy Hump Day!

Since I do not really get to go out of the office at work except maybe to the bank, I have decided I need to step away from work for atleast a little bit during the day to regain my sanity, what a perfect time to type a blog! As long as I can simmer down I plan to use my "lunch" time as part of my blog time.

So it is Wednesday, the part of the week that I struggle most with. Work gets even busier, while I love how fast my days go and love challenging myself how much I can handle by Wednesday I am looking forward to Thursdays, why? Well, because starting on Thursdays I normally self-justify that it is OK to have a few beers, normally a six pack + :-)... well if I am serious at all about losing some unwanted poundage I can NOT have beer Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! I just can't...

How will I chillax (chill out and relax) ???

http://skinnygirlcocktails.com/ may hold the answer to this question! I think I have tried it before and it wasn't bad considering I am not a wine drinker --- as I've mentioned before --- I LOVE BEER! lol

In MODERATION - I think I will try the Moscato! But, I must and I will remeber to track it on my calorie count! Allthough, I am really going to try to hold off til Friday! Perhaps instead of winding down with a glass or two of moscato, how about some yoga? Or find a hot tub in the neighborhood and sneak in? hehehe

Speaking of calorie counting and tracking..... has anyone heard of Loseit.com???? Neil told me about it this morning. I am a My Fitness Pal user , I love their app but the Lose it app blows it away! I just got the app this morning and already fixed it up. Lovin' it! Check it out...

After work, I plan on picking up Addisyn, playing at the park with her (laundry, floors, kitchen, everything I clean regulary can wait) MAKE TIME FOR YOUR LITTLE ONES! One hour at the park for her can make her whole week! Then dinner, her bath, and getting ready for tomorrow. Hopefully another 10 minute trainer or 2 (already did 1.5 (15 min) this morning - woke up at 4:30)

If I am not too tired I am going to post a recipie I made for a snack - Buffalo Chicken Balls (chicken, hotsuace, green onions, creme cheese (low fat), flour,egg,crushed corn flakes for "breading"... OMGosh these are soooo good - only 126 cal per serving 9 g carb and 12 g protein! I just had some for lunch :-)

As soon as I can, next day or two I am typing up the correct calorie intake you should follow to get started! Its quite a simple formula I have read so many different variations its crazy so I will give you the one that worked for me back when I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks before I gave back into this shitty lifestyle I live and the one that I used to jump back on the band wagon of healthy :-)


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The 3 P's

Plan, Prep, and Proportion!!!

It's 8:30 pm, and I am just now sitting down. I was on the computer earlier while I was standing cooking in the kitchen. One thing I have learned is that there is no diet without a plan, prepping it, and proportioning it!!! Plan your meal, prep your meal, and proportion your meal!!! Trust me, it is worth hours in the kitchen on Sunday, and I mean hours. I try to and from here on out WILL sit down on Saturday afternoon/evening and pick out my meals including family dinner meals for the week, I'll do the shopping then the prep!

If nothing is planned, what is easier; grabbing a box of pasta and jar of sauce perhaps browning up some meat or thawing chicken slicing fresh veggies sautéing them and baking the dish?? Of course the pasta and sauce but had you had your chicken sliced your veggies slices etc in a container / bag you could make a super duper healthy meal just as fast!!!

Lunches for work? Prep and pack!!! If you don't take garbage food to work guess what our not eating?? Prep your lunches for the entire week and take them with you on Monday!! You'll have no excuse to eat out or order in, none!!!



Quick break from work - the day is insane I needed a 5 minute get-away!

Why is it everything that makes my mouth salivate makes my ass fatter??? UGH! I LOVE chocolate, crunchy, creamy...OREOS! Then I see them being incorporated into a cupcake! Divine!

BUT.... I hate cellulite, I hate muffin tops (the skin roll over on jeans... ewwww) I hate being fat so F U Oreos! You will not prevail.

So excited to get back on tonight and figure out my website - I designed it the past couple nights and I am ready to launch it!

I have so much to share :-)

Hello!!! Blog Followers??

I am new to blogging. I am so excited though to give this a shot! Chances are if you are here, you have been on my new website that is also in the works.

Mother's Day was this past Sunday, May 12th 2013 and on that day something came over me... For years, literally years, I have said I need to change... I kept 90% of my thoughts and ideas private because TALK IS CHEAP. I would tell Neil all the time I am going to get a rec pass, I am going to do this and that, well it never happened. The pounds slowly started to pack on and continued.

If you saw my website you have been warned I am pretty blunt and I am not going to sugar coat anything. While I do not mean to be offensive at all, I find that "tough self-love" (is that even a term??) works for me. While its not ok for others to talk down to you and call you names (without your permission, lol) I do talk down to myself because that is what works for me.

On Mother's Day we played a game of wiffle(spelling?) ball with the family. I couldn't even run the bases?!?!?!? How could I have let myself go like this! Ugh, I am completly disgusted. I am not chubby, a bit overweight, classified as "could lose a few pounds" I AM FAT!

I have spent months and months reading all kind of diets and excercise plans just to end up being too lazy to make them work or put them into effect. Until now.

I love PASTA and I love to drink BEER! How the hell is any diet going to work for ME???

Stay Tuned!