Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Mommy's Reflection on Life Before Being a Mommy

I was sitting outside last night reflecting on what my life was like five years ago. Before I was a mom, my house was cleaned. All.The.Time. Well actually my apartment was. I lived in an apartment which was so convenient I never had to worry about maintenance, ever. Before I was a mom, I had no alarm clock on the weekends, I woke up whenever the hell I wanted, every weekend. I went out late on the weekends and had no one to worry about and no one to answer to, I thought I was living the life. Before I was a mom, my greatest worry was money or anything I wanted to worry about I didn't NEED to worry about anything. I chose my worries. Before I was a mom id open up my neatly organized drawers and cupboards in my kitchen and it was all my stuff. Before I was a mom, I only had to worry about what I wanted for meals, if I wanted extra hot wings that's what I got if I wanted to drink beer for dinner that's what I did. Before I was a mom I could go anywhere after work that I chose to go, anywhere. I could go anywhere all the time.

This morning I opened up a cupboard and boom! All my daughters cups; all 50 of her cups and mismatched lids fell. Who the hell needs 50 cups. She does. My house is not cleaned, ever. Maybe a room is for a few minutes. I now have a house that I had to make into a comfy cozy home for my family. A house with never ending repairs and bills and more bills and just when there is an end in sight, more bills. Now that I am a mom no need to set an alarm clock I am up with the sun, usually before. I am up often in the middle of the night because one of my kids need me or I am up because it's just too quite and I lay my hand on their chests to make sure all is ok, that's just what I do and how I roll. 8 hours of sleep is not an option anymore, hell four hours of straight sleep isn't an option anymore. Now that's I'm a mom I don't go out, I can't go out on the weekends  and that's fine. Now that I'm a mom I worry all of time, are they too hot, too cold, not feeling well, hungry, sad, are they ok, will they be ok. Do I teach them this or that, how do I explain this how do I explain that? How can I shelter them forever and ever and not let them see the evil that is in this world? I worry all the time, it's never ending. Don't run so fast, be careful, please be careful, no really PLEASE be careful. Now that I'm a mom I have to make sure I nourish my children with the right foods that they need to grow healthy, I have to cook and clean and cook some
more and then clean more and clean some more.  Now that I'm a mom I race home after to work to hug my babies and hear about their day.

Now that I'm a mom, my life has changed like I never imagined. It's tough stuff. It's never ending worrying , cleaning, organizing, cooking; but most importantly it's never ending love. A type of love I never knew existed. A type of love worth all the tears and sweat that leave my body on a daily basis. To hear my daughter get so excited to see me every single day when I come home from an exhausting day, nothing else in this world matters, nothing. As my daughter starts preschool this year all my worries are intensified but it will be worth it I know it will be. To see her learn and mature in ways and situations I can't provide for her, it will be worth it. To see my children grow, these are miracles I created and miracles I am raising. I will take a dirty house, unorganized cupboards, endless laundry, pure exhaustion, intense worries, tons of tears all for being a mommy. It's all worth it.

Monday, September 2, 2013


I'm just going to write about the obvious incase anyone is making more excuses about not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your busyness, your tiredness, your sickness, your whateverness is not the reason you are not working out or eating healthy.....YOUR the reason your not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I'M the reason I'm not constantly maintaining a lifestyle that will allow me to achieve my goals and dreams! Not the fact that I'm exhausted, I'm busy, I have a headache but the fact that I'm me and apparently I don't want it as bad as I say I do is why I'm not on track. Accountability! Be accountable, hold yourself accountable!!

Today started great, a protein shake with skim milk, scrambled eggs, a protein bar....then well I failed. Chicken tortellini for dinner and some fudge, ugh. Disgusted. And to top of the disappointment of my day, I failed to o grocery shopping and prep for the week which is a disaster in the works.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings

Doesn't it sound better using the term slow cooker rather than Crock pot? Anyhoo this recipe is a must. So tasty so easy kid friendly delicious!!

4 chicken breast frozen
2 T butter
2 cans creme of chicken soup - I use fat free
1 diced onion minced
2 10 oz. biscuit dough

Cook all on high 5-6 hours low 8-10 except biscuits, 30 minutes prior to serving cut up biscuits and drop in slow cooker

Not super healthy but a healthy comfort meal :-)
 8 servings, 385 cal, 18g fat, 37 g carbs, 18 G protein

A Kick-Start to Weight Loss!

Ok - I started this experiment a couple months ago - I have only lost 7 pounds - totally my fault! As much as I bitch and complain to myself how this doesn't fit or that doesn't fit, blah blah blah I am the only person to blame since I cant not or thus far have been unable to give up my shitty way of eating and taking care of my body.

Energy is very much needed to be serious - but because I have treated my body like shit for years - I have no energy I have years of nastiness stuck inside me. Sooooo I have researched all the detox pills out there and finally got some and started them this morning! I ordered the 7-DFBX. 7 days -- that is it!

Here are the Ingredients in the Pills

**Caffeine Anyhdrous – Most diet pills have some form of caffeine because it does help when it comes to weight loss. It doesn’t help so much when its added to a sugary soda, but caffeine enhances mental alertness, increases energy levels and helps to give your metabolism a boost.
**Potassium Gluconate – This is an interesting ingredient that kind of helps maintain balance between the body’s acid-base and nerve condition, in addition to facilitating the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes. It can help you get more from some of the other ingredients.
**Chromium Polynicotinate – Chromium polynicotinate can be found in a lot of diet pills too because it increase energy and helps the fat burning process.
**Psyllium Husk – Psllium Husk is used regularly as a dietary supplement to enhance and maintain GI transit. It can also help limit the appetite because it is a fiber that will help you feel full faster while also flushing your digestive system.
**Oat Bran Fiber – Oat Bran Fiber balances blood-lipid levels by binding with bile and promoting excretion. This fiber is a good way to help the detoxification process.
**Barley Rice Fiber – Similarly to Oat Bran Fiber, Barley Rice Fiber has shown to help balance blood-lipid levels because of the ability to bind with bile and promote its excretion.
**Apple Pectin – A soluble fiber that binds with bile acids and promotes their excretion. This fiber and the other fibers in 7-DFBX work in some nice ways to help control the appetite while also helping to flush and clean out the digestive system.
**Fennel Seed – Fennel Seed has shown it can help gas be expelled from the bowels and throughout the digestive system.
**Glucomannan – Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that absorbs water to form a viscous gel-like mass. Glucomannan sits in the stomach longer to reduce the appetite. It even swells up to make you feel full.
**Flax seed powder – Reduces cholesterol, blood pressure and plaque formation in arteries to promote healthy heart health.

**Dandelion Root – Dandelion Root is a powerful diuretic that stimulates digestive functions and is considered an excellent cleansing tonic for the liver.
**Uva Ursi – Uva Ursi’s antimicrobial properties act as a mild diuretic.
**Cranberry – As a source of polyphenol antioxidants and phytochemicals, Cranberry enhances the cardiovascular system and immune system while also working as a diuretic.
**Buchu Leaves 4:1 – Buchu Leaves helps to heal the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
**Alfalfa – Alfalfa is used to increase peristalsis within the bowels and works as a blood purifier, kind of a cleansing ingredient.
**Juniper Berries – Juniper berries are an effective diuretic.
**Garlic 100:1 – Garlic promotes heart health by reducing atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
**Ginger Root – Ginger helps you slim down, detox, reduce “winds” in blood streams and control bad eating habits and helps limit your appetite.
**Parsley – Parsley enhances sodium and water excretion while increasing potassium re-absorption.
**Goldenseal – Goldenseal is an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, laxative, and muscular stimulant.
**Mint leaf – Mint Leaf is a strong diuretic that also aids digestion.
**Red Raspberry Leaf – Red Respberry soothes diarrhea or intestinal inflammation.
**Lemon Peel – Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds with antioxidant properties. Lemons have been used to purify the liver.
**Hawthorn Berries – Hawthorn Berries are rich in phytochemicals that benefit the heart and circulation.
**Red Clover Leaf – Red Clover Leaf is a powerful blood purifier and promotes skin health.
Irish Moss – Irish Moss is a demulcent that soothes the kidneys, bladder and lungs.
**Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is an effective and gentle digestive aid that soothes the stomach. It’s also rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAG), which helps produce the gel-like matrix that is essential for strong, healthy joints.
**Cayenne Pepper – As a powerful thermogenic Cayenne increases the fat burning process to help you lose weight faster.
**Sage – Sage can be used to strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, and sharpen the senses.
**Noni – Noni is a nutrient with anthraquinones, organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals.
**Mangosteen – Rich in some of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered, Mangosteen’s xanthones — highly bioactive polyphenols — provide the body powerful antioxidant properties.
**Pomegranate – Pomegranate has been shown in numerous studies to support better cardiovascular health and optimal cellular function.
**Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar is touted as a medical aid for a variety of ailments.
**Grapefruit Seed – Grapefruit Seed is a strong antioxidant with powerful detoxifying and fat burning capabilities.

In almost all health recipes you read - you hear more than half of these ingredients so I am pretty excited about this..

I was going to wait until after July 4th because face it I will drink and not eat so great but when is it ever a good time to start when you treat your body like shit? All I have done is come up with an excuse after an excuse - so I am really hoping this 7 day detox puts my fat ass in gear!

I want that $500 shopping spree I promised myself if I lose 50 pounds --- 43 more to go! HA!

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

I know I've posted this before and I'm not going to go into detail. For me, I need to eat 1500 calories a day. Not empty garbage calories but healthy calories with the right amounts of macro nutrients. It's so hard to find easy healthy recipes. 

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

- super easy
- super tasty
- super good for you

1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can red beans
2 cans diced tomatoes 
1 can tomatoes sauce
Packet taco seasoning
Diced onion
Some garlic - powder or minced or fresh always have to have garlic 
3-4 chicken breasts 

Mix all ingredients together dump in crock pot, place frozen chicken on top. Low 8-10 hours 
Makes 10 servings (1 and 1/4 C) calories 204, fat 1.4 g, carb 33g, fiber 10g, protein 7 g

Freaking Pathetic!

Sooooooo, I'm pathetic! It's been two months since I posted a blog. This is the story of my life, I start something, I get so super duper excited, and I quit! Ugh, failure. As you know I hate excuses. But here it goes, I work as a controller/office manager person at a construction company, it is summer and we are very busy. I am one person doing a million things, well not a million per se, but at least a few dozen from payroll, to AR, AP, job costing, equipment costing, accounting, and everything in between. I'm at the office 9 hours a day, 1 hour travel time. 3 out of 5 nights I work a little from home. I have 3 year old, and a puppy. Just the three of us in the house, I don't sit down till 8-9 o'clock. Blah blah blah, so that my friends is why I am still fat, not growing larger but unfortunately maintaining. 

So I wanted to share with you my reasons for wanting to blog. I like to write and share my ideas, opinions, findings, life, etc. I blog because.....
1. It's for a good cause, I am putting my lifestyle out there for all to see my successes and failures, mostly failures. Lol. 
2. It helps me stay motivated - or it will! 
3. I find so many easy, good recipes and I just have to share
4. I really hope to live and maintain a heAlthy life style and I want to share it with those who care
5. I hope I can help others achieve goals, become more organized, or at least show others how not to be :-)

Btw,I have horrible grammar and punctuation. My major is Accounting not English :-) 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Take Diet Pills or to Not????

I think I tried Diet pills once many years ago but I didn't stick with them, go figure. But I am overweight and over it!!! I can't stand it anymore and since I have a decent diet and I have been following it for several weeks now, I am thinking I need to take one month's supply of diet pills to help give me the boost I need! I think my biggest frustration is not seeing results quick enough. Like I mentioned before I have zero energy to work out and from every single review I've read about SlimVox, I am confident I will have the energy. I read the ingredients and they are all natural just high potency so that's ok! And if you go on diet pill review sites the majority of SlimVox's reviews are good. I think I'm going for it if I could get the energy to work out and stick to my diet and actually see results I know I will stick with this!!! 

Well it's Thirst Thursday but I'm sipping on water. If I stray from my "no drinks during week" new rule I won't be able to have a few drinks over the weekend! I can't wait to weigh myself Sunday, I really feel like I've done good this week! 

Most say baby steps, but for me it's turtle steps, even smaller and slower! 

I'm also printing out a picture of myself in minimal clothes and hanging it up like I said I should do so come Monday morning and the sight of that pic, I'll be sure to get up and hit the basement!