Monday, September 2, 2013


I'm just going to write about the obvious incase anyone is making more excuses about not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your busyness, your tiredness, your sickness, your whateverness is not the reason you are not working out or eating healthy.....YOUR the reason your not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I'M the reason I'm not constantly maintaining a lifestyle that will allow me to achieve my goals and dreams! Not the fact that I'm exhausted, I'm busy, I have a headache but the fact that I'm me and apparently I don't want it as bad as I say I do is why I'm not on track. Accountability! Be accountable, hold yourself accountable!!

Today started great, a protein shake with skim milk, scrambled eggs, a protein bar....then well I failed. Chicken tortellini for dinner and some fudge, ugh. Disgusted. And to top of the disappointment of my day, I failed to o grocery shopping and prep for the week which is a disaster in the works.

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