Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

I know I've posted this before and I'm not going to go into detail. For me, I need to eat 1500 calories a day. Not empty garbage calories but healthy calories with the right amounts of macro nutrients. It's so hard to find easy healthy recipes. 

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

- super easy
- super tasty
- super good for you

1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can red beans
2 cans diced tomatoes 
1 can tomatoes sauce
Packet taco seasoning
Diced onion
Some garlic - powder or minced or fresh always have to have garlic 
3-4 chicken breasts 

Mix all ingredients together dump in crock pot, place frozen chicken on top. Low 8-10 hours 
Makes 10 servings (1 and 1/4 C) calories 204, fat 1.4 g, carb 33g, fiber 10g, protein 7 g

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