Thursday, August 22, 2013

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings

Doesn't it sound better using the term slow cooker rather than Crock pot? Anyhoo this recipe is a must. So tasty so easy kid friendly delicious!!

4 chicken breast frozen
2 T butter
2 cans creme of chicken soup - I use fat free
1 diced onion minced
2 10 oz. biscuit dough

Cook all on high 5-6 hours low 8-10 except biscuits, 30 minutes prior to serving cut up biscuits and drop in slow cooker

Not super healthy but a healthy comfort meal :-)
 8 servings, 385 cal, 18g fat, 37 g carbs, 18 G protein

A Kick-Start to Weight Loss!

Ok - I started this experiment a couple months ago - I have only lost 7 pounds - totally my fault! As much as I bitch and complain to myself how this doesn't fit or that doesn't fit, blah blah blah I am the only person to blame since I cant not or thus far have been unable to give up my shitty way of eating and taking care of my body.

Energy is very much needed to be serious - but because I have treated my body like shit for years - I have no energy I have years of nastiness stuck inside me. Sooooo I have researched all the detox pills out there and finally got some and started them this morning! I ordered the 7-DFBX. 7 days -- that is it!

Here are the Ingredients in the Pills

**Caffeine Anyhdrous – Most diet pills have some form of caffeine because it does help when it comes to weight loss. It doesn’t help so much when its added to a sugary soda, but caffeine enhances mental alertness, increases energy levels and helps to give your metabolism a boost.
**Potassium Gluconate – This is an interesting ingredient that kind of helps maintain balance between the body’s acid-base and nerve condition, in addition to facilitating the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes. It can help you get more from some of the other ingredients.
**Chromium Polynicotinate – Chromium polynicotinate can be found in a lot of diet pills too because it increase energy and helps the fat burning process.
**Psyllium Husk – Psllium Husk is used regularly as a dietary supplement to enhance and maintain GI transit. It can also help limit the appetite because it is a fiber that will help you feel full faster while also flushing your digestive system.
**Oat Bran Fiber – Oat Bran Fiber balances blood-lipid levels by binding with bile and promoting excretion. This fiber is a good way to help the detoxification process.
**Barley Rice Fiber – Similarly to Oat Bran Fiber, Barley Rice Fiber has shown to help balance blood-lipid levels because of the ability to bind with bile and promote its excretion.
**Apple Pectin – A soluble fiber that binds with bile acids and promotes their excretion. This fiber and the other fibers in 7-DFBX work in some nice ways to help control the appetite while also helping to flush and clean out the digestive system.
**Fennel Seed – Fennel Seed has shown it can help gas be expelled from the bowels and throughout the digestive system.
**Glucomannan – Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that absorbs water to form a viscous gel-like mass. Glucomannan sits in the stomach longer to reduce the appetite. It even swells up to make you feel full.
**Flax seed powder – Reduces cholesterol, blood pressure and plaque formation in arteries to promote healthy heart health.

**Dandelion Root – Dandelion Root is a powerful diuretic that stimulates digestive functions and is considered an excellent cleansing tonic for the liver.
**Uva Ursi – Uva Ursi’s antimicrobial properties act as a mild diuretic.
**Cranberry – As a source of polyphenol antioxidants and phytochemicals, Cranberry enhances the cardiovascular system and immune system while also working as a diuretic.
**Buchu Leaves 4:1 – Buchu Leaves helps to heal the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
**Alfalfa – Alfalfa is used to increase peristalsis within the bowels and works as a blood purifier, kind of a cleansing ingredient.
**Juniper Berries – Juniper berries are an effective diuretic.
**Garlic 100:1 – Garlic promotes heart health by reducing atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
**Ginger Root – Ginger helps you slim down, detox, reduce “winds” in blood streams and control bad eating habits and helps limit your appetite.
**Parsley – Parsley enhances sodium and water excretion while increasing potassium re-absorption.
**Goldenseal – Goldenseal is an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, laxative, and muscular stimulant.
**Mint leaf – Mint Leaf is a strong diuretic that also aids digestion.
**Red Raspberry Leaf – Red Respberry soothes diarrhea or intestinal inflammation.
**Lemon Peel – Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds with antioxidant properties. Lemons have been used to purify the liver.
**Hawthorn Berries – Hawthorn Berries are rich in phytochemicals that benefit the heart and circulation.
**Red Clover Leaf – Red Clover Leaf is a powerful blood purifier and promotes skin health.
Irish Moss – Irish Moss is a demulcent that soothes the kidneys, bladder and lungs.
**Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is an effective and gentle digestive aid that soothes the stomach. It’s also rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAG), which helps produce the gel-like matrix that is essential for strong, healthy joints.
**Cayenne Pepper – As a powerful thermogenic Cayenne increases the fat burning process to help you lose weight faster.
**Sage – Sage can be used to strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, and sharpen the senses.
**Noni – Noni is a nutrient with anthraquinones, organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals.
**Mangosteen – Rich in some of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered, Mangosteen’s xanthones — highly bioactive polyphenols — provide the body powerful antioxidant properties.
**Pomegranate – Pomegranate has been shown in numerous studies to support better cardiovascular health and optimal cellular function.
**Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar is touted as a medical aid for a variety of ailments.
**Grapefruit Seed – Grapefruit Seed is a strong antioxidant with powerful detoxifying and fat burning capabilities.

In almost all health recipes you read - you hear more than half of these ingredients so I am pretty excited about this..

I was going to wait until after July 4th because face it I will drink and not eat so great but when is it ever a good time to start when you treat your body like shit? All I have done is come up with an excuse after an excuse - so I am really hoping this 7 day detox puts my fat ass in gear!

I want that $500 shopping spree I promised myself if I lose 50 pounds --- 43 more to go! HA!

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

I know I've posted this before and I'm not going to go into detail. For me, I need to eat 1500 calories a day. Not empty garbage calories but healthy calories with the right amounts of macro nutrients. It's so hard to find easy healthy recipes. 

Crock Pot Chicken Chilli

- super easy
- super tasty
- super good for you

1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can red beans
2 cans diced tomatoes 
1 can tomatoes sauce
Packet taco seasoning
Diced onion
Some garlic - powder or minced or fresh always have to have garlic 
3-4 chicken breasts 

Mix all ingredients together dump in crock pot, place frozen chicken on top. Low 8-10 hours 
Makes 10 servings (1 and 1/4 C) calories 204, fat 1.4 g, carb 33g, fiber 10g, protein 7 g

Freaking Pathetic!

Sooooooo, I'm pathetic! It's been two months since I posted a blog. This is the story of my life, I start something, I get so super duper excited, and I quit! Ugh, failure. As you know I hate excuses. But here it goes, I work as a controller/office manager person at a construction company, it is summer and we are very busy. I am one person doing a million things, well not a million per se, but at least a few dozen from payroll, to AR, AP, job costing, equipment costing, accounting, and everything in between. I'm at the office 9 hours a day, 1 hour travel time. 3 out of 5 nights I work a little from home. I have 3 year old, and a puppy. Just the three of us in the house, I don't sit down till 8-9 o'clock. Blah blah blah, so that my friends is why I am still fat, not growing larger but unfortunately maintaining. 

So I wanted to share with you my reasons for wanting to blog. I like to write and share my ideas, opinions, findings, life, etc. I blog because.....
1. It's for a good cause, I am putting my lifestyle out there for all to see my successes and failures, mostly failures. Lol. 
2. It helps me stay motivated - or it will! 
3. I find so many easy, good recipes and I just have to share
4. I really hope to live and maintain a heAlthy life style and I want to share it with those who care
5. I hope I can help others achieve goals, become more organized, or at least show others how not to be :-)

Btw,I have horrible grammar and punctuation. My major is Accounting not English :-)